With Honor

#Sol16 Day 1


Smiling faces, warm hugs, and the willingness to push through any barrier placed in front of me is what inspires me to prepare and be ready for each day. It’s those components that make our profession the most rewarding in today’s modern era.

Those elements carefully blended together produce a powerful and ever-evolving learning environment. This atmosphere provides every individual child with the possibility to celebrate their strengths and sharpen their weakness in every aspect of their lives.

Honoring my children and fulfilling their daily needs is by far my greatest reward of my teaching career. I commit to you and every child that enters my classroom that I will serve you with honor and dignity. It’s because of each and every smiling face that I’ve encountered, that I have been able to grow as a teacher and learner.

I think about this every day as I drive to work and walk towards our classroom door. It’s the last thing I think about as I close my eyes to rest for the next day to hopefully make it a better day than our last one. I pledge to always honor you with my love, respect, and tireless effort to help you develop to the next level of every aspect of your lives. As you do the same for me. I love you my Bluejays! The fondest memory that I have from this year is to say proudly: “ My each and every moment is molded to serve you and everyone else around me with honor.IMG_0913

2 thoughts on “With Honor

  1. I think your district sounds like a wonderful place to work, Terrie. And, by golly, your classroom seems like a fantastic place to be a student. Your kids are so fortunate to have you as their teacher.

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